Refereed Publications
Sanchis, R.G. and Vicente, J. (2022), “Lifestyle dynamics index: Worldwide results and the case of the United States of America”, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Vol. 80, 101172.
Berges, A., Ramírez, P., Pau, I., Tejero, A., García Crespo, A. (2021), “A framework for strategic intelligence systems applied to education management: a pilot study in the Community of Madrid”, IEEE Access, Volume 9, Pages 75313-75323.
García González, J.M., Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, S., Solera Hernández, E. and Ríos-Aguilar, S. (2021), “The Twisting Road to Access to Higher Education for People with Disabilities in Spain”, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2021.1910932
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Beltrán, M. and Rubén, G. “Security threats to business information systems using nfc read/write mode,” Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 67, no.3, pp. 2955–2969, 2021.
Sánchez-Cartas, J.M., Tejero, A., León, G. (2021), “Algorithmic Pricing and Price Gouging. Consequences of High-Impact, Low Probability Events”, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 5, pg 2542.
Sanz-Prieto, I., De-la-fuente-Valentín, L., Ríos-Aguilar, S. (2021), Technical due diligence as a methodology for assessing risks in start-up ecosystems: An advanced approach, Information Processing & Management, Volume 58, Issue 5,
Susur, E., Karakaya, E., 2021. A reflexive perspective for sustainability assumptions in transition studies. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 39, 34-54.
García González, J.M., Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, S., Solera Hernández, E. and Ríos-Aguilar, S. (2020), “Barriers in higher education: perceptions and discourse analysis of students with disabilities in Spain”, Disability & Society, 36:4, 579-595, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2020.1749565
León, G., Tejero, A., Franco-Riquelme, J. N. (2021), “New Methodology for Profiling and Comparison of Open Innovation Models to Conduct R&D Activities”, IEEE Access, Volume 8, Pages 48491-48502.
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Sarría, I., Pardo, M.B. (2021), “NFC and VLC based Mobile Business Information System for Registering Class Attendance”, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 6 Issue 2, p71-77. 7p..
Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2019), “Evolutionary dynamics of price dispersion with market-dependent costs”, Computational Economics,
Barbeito Sara, Sánchez-Gutiérrez Teresa, Mayoral María, Moreno Miguel, Ríos-Aguilar Sergio, Arango Celso, Calvo Ana (2019), “Mobile App–Based Intervention for Adolescents With First-Episode Psychosis: Study Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Vol. 10, 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00027
Calvo, A., Teresa Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Sara Barbeito, María Mayoral, Miguel Moreno, Sergio Ríos-Aguilar, Celso Arango (2019), “A mobile app-based intervention for adolescents with first-episode psychosis: the think app”, European Psychiatry.
León, G., Tejero, A., Franco-Riquelme, J.N., Kline, J.J., Campos-Macha, R. E. (2019), “Proximity metrics for selecting R&D partners in international open innovation processes”, IEEE Access, Volume 7, Pages 79737-79757.
Pereira, A. A., Espada, J. P., Crespo, R. G., & Rios-Aguilar, S.. (2019). Platform for controlling and getting data from network connected drones in indoor environments. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 656-662.
Morente-Molinera, J.A., Ríos-Aguilar, S., González-Crespo, R. and Herrera-Viedma, E. (2019), “Dealing with group decision-making environments that have a high amount of alternatives using card-sorting techniques”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 127, Pages 187-198, ISSN 0957-4174,
Sánchez-Gutiérrez, T., Barbeito, S., Mayoral, M., Moreno, M., Ríos- Aguilar, S., Arango, C. and Calvo, A. (2019), “F20. THINK APP: A MOBILE APP–BASED INTERVENTION FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH FIRST-EPISODE PSYCHOSIS”, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Volume 45, Issue Supplement_2, April 2019, Pages S261–S262,
Susur, E., Hidalgo, A., Chiaroni, D., 2019. The emergence of regional industrial ecosystem niches: A conceptual framework and a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production 208, 1642-1657.
Susur, E., Martin-Carillo, D., Chiaroni, D., Hidalgo, A., 2019. Unfolding eco-industrial parks through niche experimentation: Insights from three Italian cases. Journal of Cleaner Production 239.
Susur, E., Hidalgo, A., Chiaroni, D., 2019. A strategic niche management perspective on transitions to eco-industrial park development: A systematic review of case studies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 140, 338-359.
Tejero, A., Pau, I. and León, G. (2019), “Analysis of the dynamism in university-driven innovation ecosystems through the assessment of entrepreneurship role”, IEEE Access, Volume 7, Pages 89869-89885.
Gómez-Valle, L., Habibilashkary, Z., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. (2018), “A multiplicative seasonal component in commodity derivative pricing,” Computational and Applied Mathematics,
León, G., Leceta, J.M., Tejero, A. (2018), “Impact of the EIT in the creation of an open educational ecosystem: UPM experience”, International journal of innovation science, .
López Hernández, F., Giménez de Ory, E., Ríos Aguilar, S., González Crespo, R. (2018), “Residue properties for the arithmetical estimation of the image quantization table”, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 67, Pages 309-321.
Gómez-Valle, L., Habibilashkary, Z., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. (2017), “The jump size distribution of the commodity spot price and its effect on futures and option prices,” Abstract and Applied Analysis,
Gómez-Valle, L., Habibilashkary, Z., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. (2017), “A new technique to estimate the risk-neutral processes in jump-diffusion commodity futures models,” Computational and Applied Mathematics,
Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2016), “Pricing Strategy versus Heterogeneous Shopping Behavior under Market Price Dispersion”, Abstract and Applied Analysis.
Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2016), “Consumer’s response to price distribution and sigma-overload under time allocation”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol 291 (242-256),
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Jordán Pascual-Espada, Rubén González-Crespo (2016), “NFC and Cloud-Based Lightweight Anonymous Assessment Mobile Intelligent Information System for Higher Education and Recruitment Competitions”, Mobile Networks and Applications, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 327-336.
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Jordan Pascual-Espada, Juan Antonio Morente-Molinera (2016), “EXAMINapp: An Evolved Secure Anonymous Assessment Information System Using NFC And QR Technologies”, IEEE Latin America Transactions,
Sanchis, R.G. (2016), “Economic Theories about the Allocation of Time: Review and an Extension for Multitasking”, in C.M. Kalenkoski and G. Foster (eds.), The Economics of Multitasking, Palgrave Macmillan US, chapter 2.
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Lloréns-Montes, F.J. (2015), “A mobile business information system for the control of local and remote workforce through reactive and behavior-based monitoring”, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 42, Issue 7, Pages 3462-3469.
Ríos-Aguilar, S., Miguel Merino, J.L., Millán Sánchez, A., Sánchez Valdivieso, A. (2015), “Variation of the Heartbeat and Activity as an Indicator of Drowsiness at the Wheel Using a Smartwatch”, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 3 (3) 96-100.
Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2014), “Choice overload, satisficing behavior and price distribution in a time allocation model”, Abstract and Applied Analysis.
Ríos-Aguilar, S. (2014), “Intelligent Position Aware Mobile Services for Seamless and Non-Intrusive Clocking-in”, International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, Vol 2 (5).
Sanchis, R. G., Rey, J.-M., and Álvarez, F. (2014), “Numerical analysis of a time allocation model accounting for choice overload”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol 91, 2, 315-326.
López Fernández, M.J., Guzón Fernández, J., Ríos-Aguilar, S., Salazar Selvi, B., González Crespo, R. (2013), “Control of attendance applied in higher education through mobile NFC technologies”, Expert systems with applications, Vol 40 (11) 4478-4489.
Mir Yazdi, S.H, Habibi Lashkari, Z. (2013), “Technical analysis of Forex by MACD Indicator,” International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 2 (2013) ISSN 2320–4044 (Online)
Further Publications (Books, Chapters, Reports, Working Papers, etc)
Susur E., Hidalgo, A., 2020. La función de aprendizaje en la experimentación de los ecosistemas industriales. Economía Industrial 416 – 416, pp. 39 – 46. ISSN 0422-2784.
Susur E., Hidalgo, A., 2020. La transición sostenible como soporte de los ecosistemas industriales. Economía Industrial 416 – 416, pp. 39 – 46. ISSN 0422-2784.
Susur, E. (2019). Unfolding industrial ecosystems: Conceptualisation and analysis from a strategic niche management perspective. Madrid: Printed in Spain by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid.
Sanchis, R.G. and Vicente, J. (2017). “Lifestyle Dynamics Index: Time Use Methodology and Worldwide Results”, UC3M Economics Series, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Gómez-Valle, L., Habibilashkary, Z., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. (2016), “Pricing commodity options in jump-diffusion models,” Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour
Sanchis, R.G. and Sánchez-Torrente, L. (2016), “Métodos de Valuación de Externalidades Ambientales”, Cuadernillo Tecnológico num. 31, Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI), Gobierno de Argentina.
Gómez-Valle, L., Habibilashkary, Z., Martínez-Rodríguez, J. (2015), “Valuation of commodity derivatives under jump-diffusion processes,” Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour